David Täng

David Täng (37)

<p>David is a Rolling Lunatic! That is; he is a member of the Kayak club called "The Rolling Lunatics" or "Rolltokarna". David builds qajaqs and greenland paddles for himself and for some close friends. In 2022 he finished third in the Danish Greenland Rolling Championships (336p). In 2023 he won both the Danish (348p) and Swedish Greenland Rolling Championships (370p).  <br>2024 David won the Danish Greenland Rolling Championships (355p) and Swedish Greenland Rolling Championships (380p accorcing to local rules, 378p according to me).<br>Favourite quote: "A wet David is a happy David!" He lives on the west coast of Sweden, in Onsala south of Gothenburg. He is a dedicated Judo player (Nidan) as well as a Windfoil surfer. I'd love to hear from you. You can reach me on: david.o.tang@gmail.com</p>

Welcome to Qajaq Rolling

This site is mainly devoted to Qajaq rolling. I build Skin on Frame Qajaqs and Greenland Paddles as well so there may be some information and updates for those subjects as well. When I started rolling I had just started paddling and I didn't have…

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1 Side Sculling

Easy? Well it can be, and not... Whenever I fail any back-finishing rolls I go back to basics - to side sculling. It's easy to start cheating, not using your complete range of motion and the tools available. To get a 2 point score you…

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2 Chest Sculling

I thought chest sculling was a piece of cake, then I started checking what I need to do to get the two points. First of all I need to scull, previously I simply used a pry to recover. To be able to scull all the…

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3 Standard Greenland Roll

The Standard Greenland Roll was the first one I learned in a bathtub of a kayak with a europaddle. I can roll most anything with this roll, I haven't tried a canoe but a surfski worked fine. I was self taught but I don't recommend…

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4 Paddle in Crook of Arm

The Paddle held in the Crook of Arm roll is very similar to the SGR-Standard Greenland Roll. Everything is the same and feels the same as long as I've managed to capsize. It took a while until I could twist my body far enough to…

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