David Täng

David Täng (42)

<p>David is a Rolling Lunatic! That is; he is a member of the Kayak club called "The Rolling Lunatics" or "Rolltokarna". David builds qajaqs and greenland paddles, would You like one?  In 2023 he won both the Danish (348p) and Swedish Greenland Rolling Championships (370p). 2024 David won the Danish Greenland Rolling Championships (355p) and Swedish Greenland Rolling Championships (380p). He lives on the west coast of Sweden, in Onsala south of Gothenburg. He is a dedicated Judo player (San-dan) as well as a Windfoil surfer.  You can reach David on: <a href="mailto:David.o.tang@gmail.com">David.o.tang@gmail.com</a> Favourite quote: "A wet David is a happy David!" </p>

Useful links

As always, a lot of people have done a lot of work a lot better than I could ever do. To start with; how do you get your first roll. I don't intend to teach the first roll as others can do that better. Perhaps…

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Skin on Frame Material

I've been asked several times where to get material for a Skin on Frame SoF build in Sweden or northen Europe. Here is a list of my suppliers which I hope will be useful for You as well. Lumber: I go to my local lumberstore…

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Vad är nu detta, Svenska!? Jo, jag bygger nu Skin on Frame kajaker till andra än mig själv! 😯 I och med att DU som kan tänkas vara intresserad troligen bor nära mig (Norden), så känner jag att det är mer personligt att skriva på…

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Vad händer när jag beställer en kajak?

Lite mystiskt är det... hur kan Kajakskräddaren veta hur jag vill ha min kajak? Låt mig berätta vad som händer: 1. Vi pratas vid, telefon, chatt, Teams eller liknande, helst träffas vi. Jag vill veta vem du är, hur brukar du paddla/rolla, vad använder du…

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Handcuff Roll

What!? A new roll... on the competition list? Yes, this is a spoiler... well not for long. The Handcuff roll together with the Reverse Sweep Elbow roll is introduced to the Swedish Greenland Rolling competition in 2025. A rope loop is now part of your…

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