David Täng

David Täng (39)

<p>David is a Rolling Lunatic! That is; he is a member of the Kayak club called "The Rolling Lunatics" or "Rolltokarna". David builds qajaqs and greenland paddles, would You like one? In 2022 he finished third in the Danish Greenland Rolling Championships (336p). In 2023 he won both the Danish (348p) and Swedish Greenland Rolling Championships (370p). 2024 David won the Danish Greenland Rolling Championships (355p) and Swedish Greenland Rolling Championships (380p accorcing to local rules, 378p according to me). He lives on the west coast of Sweden, in Onsala south of Gothenburg. He is a dedicated Judo player (San-dan) as well as a Windfoil surfer.  You can reach David on: <a href="mailto:david.o.tang@gmail.com">david.o.tang@gmail.com</a></p> <p> Favourite quote: "A wet David is a happy David!" </p>

11 Shotgun Roll

The Shotgun or Armpit roll is one of the easiest on the Greenland Rolling Competition list. It's basically a Standard Greenland roll with an extremely extended paddle. This also means that I can get a lot of lift from the paddle and it may "jump…

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12 Vertical Sculling Roll

Vertical sculling roll is the easiest of the sculling rolls according to me. As I discussed in the post for chest sculling most people don't scull at first when they lay on the belly, just pry. When I realised that I did just that, pry…

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