David Täng

David Täng (42)

<p>David is a Rolling Lunatic! That is; he is a member of the Kayak club called "The Rolling Lunatics" or "Rolltokarna". David builds qajaqs and greenland paddles, would You like one?  In 2023 he won both the Danish (348p) and Swedish Greenland Rolling Championships (370p). 2024 David won the Danish Greenland Rolling Championships (355p) and Swedish Greenland Rolling Championships (380p). He lives on the west coast of Sweden, in Onsala south of Gothenburg. He is a dedicated Judo player (San-dan) as well as a Windfoil surfer.  You can reach David on: <a href="mailto:David.o.tang@gmail.com">David.o.tang@gmail.com</a> Favourite quote: "A wet David is a happy David!" </p>

5 Storm Roll

I love this roll! When I learned the Storm Roll I focused on moving my head from one gunwale to the other and pushing the paddle with my aft hand. In the beginning i found the forward crunching position a bit strange, but now I…

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6 Reverse Sweep

The Reverse Sweep is also a great roll, love it! With that said I probably should tell you that I find the aft to front rolls down the competition list the most challenging. With a paddle it's ok, but after you loose it... Really hard!…

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7 Spine Roll

The Spine Roll is an odd roll. Take care of your shoulders and warm up before trying the roll. I find that the setup is ok and the capsize but when I recover there is some overstretching and it can be slightly painful. My biggest…

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9 Standard Roll with Paddle held behind Head

This roll require some flexibility. My problem is to lean forward in this strange setup position. As you see in the video above when I'm outdoors in the ice and snow and dressed appropriately, I have difficulties capsizing. I start out in a "face down…

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